Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Test Plan Evaluation Model

Test Plan Evaluation Model
The answer to the question “How good is this test plan?” can only be given with reference to an idea of
what a test plan should be. Although there are a number of public standards that specify test plan document
formats, they provide little basis for distinguishing a better plan from a worse plan. This model identifies
basic concepts, functions that a test plan serves, criteria that a test plan should satisfy, and some heuristics
to assist in determining if the criteria are satisfied with respect to the functions:
Terms and Concepts
 Test Plan. The test plan is the set of ideas that guide or represent the intended test process.
Often those ideas are only partially documented, spread across multiple documents, and
subject to change as the project evolves.
 Test Plan Document. A test plan document is any document intended to convey test plan
information. However, test plan documents are not the only source of information about the
test plan. Test plan information is also contained in the oral tradition of the project and the
culture of the company.
 Test Strategy. The test strategy is the way tests will be designed and executed to support an
effective quality assessment. Test strategy is the plan for what parts of the product will be
covered by tests and what test techniques will be used. Test strategy is distinct from the
logistics of implementing the strategy. Test strategy is essentially the “brains” of the test
 Test Project. The test project is the means by which the test strategy is implemented and
results delivered. The test project is the “brawn” of the test process.
Test Plan Functions
Test plan functions are what a test plan is supposed to do. Below is a list of functions served by an ideal
test plan. However, a test plan document may only address a subset of these functions—the rest handled in
other documents or managed directly by the test manager or individual tester without the support of any
document. Thus, a test plan should be judged only with regard to those functions that it intends to serve, or
are insufficiently served by other means.
 Support the development of a quality assessment that enables wise and timely decisions to
be made concerning the product.
 Describe and justify the test strategy (including proposed test coverage) in relation to
technical requirements and technical risk. Promote awareness of the benefits and limitations
of the test strategy.
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 Describe and justify any special requirements or entry criteria that must be met in order for
the test project to proceed, as well as any exit or process for determining when to stop
 Support the initiation and organization of the test project, including preparations, staffing,
delegation of responsibilities, facility acquisition, task planning, and scheduling.
 Support daily management and evaluation of the test project and test strategy.
 Support effective coordination, collaboration, and other relations among members of the test
team, and between the test team and the rest of the project.
 Identify and manage any risks or issues that may impact the project.
 Specify the deliverables of the test project, and the delivery process.
 Record historical information in support of process audits, process improvement and future
test projects.
Test Plan Quality Criteria
These criteria relate to how well a test plan performs its functions. A test plan is good to the extent that it
satisfies these criteria. Exactly how good is “good enough” depends on situational factors and judgments.
 Usefulness. Will the test plan effectively serve its intended functions?
 Accuracy. Is it accurate with respect to any statements of fact?
 Efficiency. Does it make efficient use of available resources?
 Adaptability. Will it tolerate reasonable change and unpredictability in the project?
 Clarity. Is the test plan self-consistent and sufficiently unambiguous?
 Usability. Is the test plan document concise, maintainable, and helpfully organized?
 Compliance. Does it meet externally imposed requirements?
 Foundation. Is it the product of an effective test planning process?
 Feasibility. Is it within the capability of the organization that must perform it?
Test Plan Heuristics
In order to determine how well the test plan meets the criteria, heuristics are used. That is to say, a test plan
evaluation is based on generally accepted rules of thumb we have collected through experience and study.
Each of the heuristics in the table below relates to one or more of the criteria and functions identified
above. The only criterion in the list for which there is no corresponding heuristic is compliance. This is
because compliance to externally imposed requirements requires specific knowledge of those
Each heuristic is described in terms of a general rule, and a brief basis for that rule. The basis is intended to
help determine when and where a heuristic applies.
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Heuristic Basis for heuristic
1. Testing should be optimized to find
important problems fast, rather than
attempting to find all problems with equal
The later in the project that a problem is found, the
greater the risk that it will not be safely fixed in
time to ship. The sooner a problem is found after it
is created, the lesser the risk of a bad fix.
2. Test strategy should focus most effort on
areas of potential technical risk, while still
putting some effort into low risk areas just in
case the risk analysis is wrong.
Complete testing is impossible, and we can never
know if our perception of technical risk is
completely accurate.
3. Test strategy should address test platform
configuration, how the product will be
operated, how the product will be observed,
and how observations will be used to
evaluate the product.
Sloppiness or neglect within any of these four
basic testing activities will increase the likelihood
that important problems will go undetected.
4. Test strategy should be diversified in terms
of test techniques and perspectives. Methods
of evaluating test coverage should take into
account multiple dimensions of coverage,
including structural, functional, data,
platform, operations, and requirements.
No single test technique can reveal all important
problems in a linear fashion. We can never know
for sure if we have found all the problems that
matter. Diversification minimizes the risk that the
test strategy will be blind to certain kinds of
5. The test strategy should specify how test
data will be designed and generated.
It is common for the test strategy to be organized
around functionality or code, leaving it to the
testers to concoct test data on the fly. Often that
indicates that the strategy is too focused on
validating capability and not focused enough on
6. Not all testing should be pre-specified in
detail. The test strategy should incorporate
reasonable variation and make use of the
testers’ ability to use situational reasoning to
focuse on important, but unanticipated
A rigid test strategy may make it more likely that a
particular subset of problems will be uncovered,
but in a complex system it reduces the likelihood
that all important problems will be uncovered.
Reasonable variability in testing, such as that
which results from interactive, exploratory testing,
increases incidental test coverage, without
substantially sacrificing essential coverage.
7. It is important to test against implied
requirements—the full extent of what the
requirements mean, not just what they say.
Testing only against explicit written requirements
will not reveal all important problems, since
defined requirements are generally incomplete and
natural language is inherently ambiguous.
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Heuristic Basis for heuristic
8. The test project should promote
collaboration with all other functions of the
project, especially developers, technical
support, and technical writing. Whenever
possible, testers should also collaborate with
actual customers and users, in order to better
understand their requirements.
Other teams and stakeholders often have
information about product problems or potential
problems that can be of use to the test team. Their
perspective may help the testers make a better
analysis of risk. Testers may also have information
that is of use to them.
9. The test project should consult with
development to help them build a more
testable product.
The likelihood that a test strategy will serve its
purpose is profoundly affected by the testability of
the product.
10. A test plan should highlight the non-routine,
project-specific aspects of the test strategy
and test project.
Virtually every software project worth doing
involves special technical challenges that a good
test effort must take into account. A completely
generic test plan usually indicates a weak test
planning process. It could also indicate that the test
plan is nothing but unchanged boilerplate.
11. The test project should use humans for what
humans do well and use automation for
what automation does well. Manual testing
should allow for improvisation and on the
spot critical thinking, while automated
testing should be used for tests that require
high repeatability, high speed, and no
Many test projects suffer under the false belief that
human testers are effective when they use
exactingly specified test scripts, or that test
automation duplicates the value of human
cognition in the test execution process. Manual
and automated testing are not two forms of the
same thing. They are two entirely different classes
of test technique.
12. The test schedule should be represented and
justified in such a way as to highlight any
dependencies on the progress of
development, the testability of the product,
time required to report problems, and the
project team’s assessment of risk.
A monolithic test schedule in a test plan often
indicates the false belief that testing is an
independent activity. The test schedule can stand
alone only to the extent that the product the highly
testable, development is complete, and the test
process is not interrupted by the frequent need to
report problems.
13. The test process should be kept off of the
critical path to the extent possible. This can
be done by testing in parallel with
development work, and finding problems
worth fixing faster than the developers fix
This is important in order to deflect pressure to
truncate the testing process.
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Heuristic Basis for heuristic
14. The feedback loop between testers and
developers should be as tight as possible.
Test cycles should be designed to provide
rapid feedback to developers about recent
additions and changes they have made
before a full regression test is commenced.
Whenever possible testers and developers
should work physically near each other.
This is important in order to maximize the
efficiency and speed of quality improvement. It
also helps keep testing off of the critical path.
15. The test project should employ channels of
information about quality other than formal
testing in order to help evaluate and adjust
the test project. Examples of these channels
are inspections, field testing, or informal
testing by people outside of the test team.
By examining product quality information
gathered through various means beyond the test
team, blind spots in the formal test strategy can be
16. All documentation related to the test
strategy, including test cases and procedures,
should be undergo review by someone other
than the person who wrote them. The review
process used should be commensurate with
the criticality of the document.
Tunnel-vision is the great occupational hazard of
testing. Review not only helps to reveal blind spots
in test design, but it can also help promote dialog
and peer education about test practices.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

QA Tips

1 Document Your Policies

You should ensure that you document policies for your project – remember that it can be difficult to implement quality if there isn’t a shared understanding across your project of what you are seeking to achieve. For example, see the QA Focus policies on Web standards and link checking .

2 Ensure Your Technical Infrastructure Is Capable Of Implementing Your Policies

You should ensure that your technical infrastucture which is capable of implementing your policies. For example, if you wish to make use of XHTML on your Web site you are unlikely to be able to achieve this if you are using Microsoft Word as your authoring tool.

3 Ensure That You Have The Resources Necessary To Implement Your Policies

You should ensure that you have the resources needed to implement your policies. This can include technical expertise, investment in software and hardware, investment in training and staff development, etc.

4 Implement Systematic Checking Procedures To Ensure Your Policies Are Being Implemented

Without systematic checking procedures there is a danger that your policies are not implemented in practice. For example, see the QA Focus checking procedures for Web standards and link checking .

5 Keep Audit Trails

Provide audit trails to record results of checking procedures. This can help spot trends which may indicate procedural failures (for example, a sudden growth in the numbers of non-compliant HTML resources may be due to deployment of a new authoring tool or inadequate training for new members of the project team).

6 Learn From Others

Rather than seeking to develop quality assurance policies and procedures from scratch you should seek to learn from others. You may find that the QA Focus case studies provide useful advice which you can learn from.

7 Share Your Experiences

If you are in the position of having deployed effective quality assurance procedures it can be helpful for the wider community if you share your approaches. For example, consider writing a QA Focus case study .

8 Seek ‘Fitness For Purpose’ – Not Perfection

You should seek to implement ‘fitness for purpose’ which is based on the levels of funding available and the expertise and resources you have available. Note that perfection is not necessarily a useful goal to aim for – indeed, there is a danger that ‘seeking the best may drive out the good’.

9 Remember That QA Is For You To Implement

Although the QA Focus Web site provides a wide range of resources which can help you to ensure that your project deliverables are interoperable and widely accessible you should remember that you will need to implement quality assurance within your project.

10 Seek To Deploy QA Procedures More Extensively

Rather than seeking to implement quality assurance across your project, it can be beneficial if quality assurance is implemented at a higher level, such as within you department or organisation. If you have an interest in more widespread deployment of quality assurance, you should read about the ISO 9000 QA standards .

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Complete Solution for Testing Mobile Devices

The Java Device Test Suite simplifies quality assurance and reduces time-to-market for Java ME implementations by providing comprehensive tests and a robust test manager. These enable suite users to evaluate, validate, and verify the quality of implementations of the Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) and the Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP) on a particular device. The Java Device Test Suite helps device manufacturers and service providers ensure their reputation for quality, while building customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Designed to reduce complex, in-house development and test management of multiple devices, the Java Device Test Suite meets the industry's need for a comprehensive, off-the-shelf software solution. It helps lower engineering costs by standardizing and simplifying testing, and by minimizing the need to write quality assurance tests manually.

Cost Reductions from Comprehensive, Simplified Tests

With the Java Device Test Suite, each device can be tested against thousands of test cases that have been written and tested against the reference implementation for each technology. These test cases can be divided into four categories:

  • Functional tests assure that the implementation behaves correctly, as intended. They imitate real applications and their interaction with external components, such as message senders and receivers.
  • Stress tests reveal the robustness of a device by stretching it to the limits of memory and processor resources. These tests also exercise implementation response to boundary conditions, such as maximum message sizes and multithreaded invocations.
  • Performance tests measure the time a device consumes to perform operations or combinations of operations.
  • Security tests verify sandbox boundaries and privileges of MIDlets, and also verify that devices correctly implement the MIDP 2.0 security model, including authentication, signing, and permissions.

Developers may choose from automated tests, which don't require user interaction, and interactive tests, which rely on users' feedback. All tests cover devices that adhere to CLDC and MIDP specifications.

Flexible, Easy-to-Use Modular Design

Users can easily select, configure, and execute test suites through the Test Console, which also automatically generates security certificates for MIDP testing. These highly customizable test suites may be configured to match device specifications. Tests are executed on the target device through a Test Agent, which has a small footprint that allows it to run on most devices, and enables developers to browse test results and device reports conveniently. The Test Console provides access to the central installation for device configurations, test suites, and specifications, simplifying the entire testing procedure.

The modular design of the Java Device Test Suite enables users to plug in additional test suites for new APIs and to execute selective test cases, as well as to build or plug in customized tests of specific functional areas, easily and rapidly. To match device configurations, the Test Manager makes possible the creation and editing of unlimited device profiles.

Faster Test Execution

The comprehensive Java Device Test Suite includes several features designed to speed test execution:

  • Parallel execution is supported, enabling the test execution load to be distributed over a number of devices.
  • Multiple test suites can be executed at once.
  • Several Test Consoles can be connected to the Test Manager concurrently, each of them testing multiple devices of the same configuration.

Working with the Technology Compatibility Kit

The Java Device Test Suite and the Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK) play complementary roles. The TCK verifies that the implementation is compatible and logically consistent with standards written in the specification at the API level, while the Java Device Test Suite tests the quality of the implementation: whether it is correct and robust. It does so by assembling into small applications separate features that the TCK tested independently, and confirming that they work together with the underlying operating system and hardware. To complete this task, the Java Device Test Suite actually performs operations, sends and receives data, simulates error conditions, and verifies that the implementation handles those conditions correctly.

Extensive Support Services and Maintenance

A broad range of support services is available for the Java Device Test Suite, including product upgrades, new features and enhancements, new test suites, on-site installation, configuration, training, technical consultation, and test development. Developers can take advantage of two weeks of on-site engineering services per year, technical assistance by phone and e-mail, and technical information on the Web.

Key Features

The Java Device Test Suite:

  • Comprehensive Tests: Unmatched breadth and depth of test coverage covering multiple Java technologies including JTWI, CLDC, MIDP, MMAPI, WMA and 3D Graphics
  • Benchmark Test Suite: Evaluate performance of Java on devices more thoroughly than any other existing benchmark on the market
  • Developer's Kit: Extend test coverage or include customized, user-defined test suites
  • Convenient Reporting: Provides test results and test execution reports in HTML format.
  • Parallel Execution: To distribute test execution load over multiple devices, speeding test execution time
  • Central Installation: Centrally stores device configurations, test suites, specifications, and administration to reduce maintenance costs and system complexity
  • Test Manager: enables creation and editing of unlimited device profiles to match device configurations
  • Test Console: Enables easy selection, configuration, and execution of test suites.
  • Device Readiness Suite: Quickly diagnose a new device's readiness to run standard JDTS test suites

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